Approximate LLE calculations
This page will generate
ternary Liquid Liquid Equilibria diagrams starting from the solubilitys of a pair of partially miscible species.
Users should be aware of the following basic assumptions:
Component C is perfectly miscible with A and forms ideal mixture.
In the Type I system C is also perfectly miscible with B.
partially miscible pairs are modelled by the 2-parameter Margules equation.
The Margules constants A' and B' actually refer to A/RT and B/RT.
Here is an
enhanced version
Type I
Type II
Graph style:
Right Angled
Solubility of
A in B mol/mol:
Solubility of
B in A mol/mol:
For components A and B
Margules A':
Margules B':
Solubility of
B in C mol/mol:
Solubility of
C in B mol/mol:
For components B and C
Margules A':
Margules B':
Information to help debug program goes here Hidden to keep things simple