« EMF Day 1
EMF Day 3 »

EMF Day 2

I realize that I have mentioned EMF a number of times now but not really explained what I am referring to. EMF or Electro Magnetic Field is a festival held every two years, where people do fun things with technology in a field.

There is fast internet and WiFi across the site and a lot of power infrastructure to allow power to your tent. If you want you can also have a wired network connection to your tent as well.

There are three stages and five workshop marquis hosting talks and workshops from 10am till around 7pm though more events continue into the early hours of the morning. As well as the official events, there are many other things to see and do. A sort of geeky show and tell. There are lots of LEDs, antennas and robots.

I will add more tomorrow but in the meantime here are some pictures:

Lots of tents
Lots of tents
Lots of tents
Lots of tents
Lots of tents, with a site map.
Site map
Lots of tents, with a site map.
Site map
Child's toy car hacked to fit an adult
Hacky Races
Child's toy car hacked to fit an adult
Hacky Races
A tornado of fire
Fire tornado
A tornado of fire
Fire tornado
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« EMF Day 1
EMF Day 3 »


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