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The UK Home Office Has Renamed The Country

Last night we sat down to try and fill out the paperwork for Denise to apply for UK citizenship. Assuming she gets it, I will be the only member of my family who doesn't have two citizenships.

I say paperwork but this time it is a multi stage online form. Lots of stages an no feedback as to how far you have left to go. We kept thinking this must be the last page. We were wrong many times. At least you could tell how many pages you had left when the application was a PDF for that you had to print out and fill in by hand.

We haven't yet completed it, but the highlight so far has been this question:

Screenshot reads 'Country of nationality' with the answer 'British Citizen'
Which country?
Screenshot reads 'Country of nationality' with the answer 'British Citizen'
Which country?

Note that the answer shown is filled in from a menu. Apparently I live in a called "British Citizen". We should have a referendum to make that the official name.

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