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Where are the Members of the IChemE Scottish Members Group?

The Institute of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) has two local members groups in Scotland, Aberdeen Members Group, which covers Aberdeen itself and the north of the country and the Scottish Members Group which covers everywhere else.

Historically that has meant that the Scottish Members Group has ended up being primarily focused on events in the central belt and has hosted events in Edinburgh, Glasgow and the Falkirk/Grangemouth area. I was curious if this was sensible. Do we have a large number of members further afield? Should we be trying to host events outside the central belt? Should we host events in Perth or in the Borders?

To be able to answer these questions, I asked if we could generate some heatmaps of where our members are located which can be viewed below.

Map of central Scotland showing postcodes with IChemE members.
Map of central Scotland showing postcodes with IChemE members.
 Map of central Scotland highlighting areas with more IChemE members
 Map of central Scotland highlighting areas with more IChemE members


I am not particularly surprised at the results. Yes we have concentrations across the central belt. We have smaller concentrations of people outside this region. It would be nice to try and host a few events in these areas, but there is a bit of a chicken and egg problem. We need to get people involved from those areas, who know were the suitable venues are, to organise the events. But if we don’t host events in these areas, then folk from these areas won’t be getting involved...

Want to get involved?

Do you live somewhere that you feel should have more IChemE events? Are we failing to host the types of events you want to attend? What do you want us to do?

We will be hosting our first committee meeting since the summer break on the 4th of September in the centre of Glasgow (Wednesday Night). This will be the one where I want to look ahead to what events we intend to organise over the next year. If you would like to get involved, please get in touch and I will forward on the details of the event. I would love to see as many people as possible.

Thanks Alistair


The Pinboard version was built using google maps

The Choropleth version was built by modifying Rob Lascelles' example and using the map data provided by OpenDoorLogistics.

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