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Torturing/Testing Children

I have now lost count of the number of times I have driven to one of the government torcher testing centres. Tonight was probably the easiest one so far. Usually it is a big fight to insert the torcher device swab into their mouths, you get one chance, and then they clam up. The first time I tested one of them, I was able to bribe him with the promise of sweets when we got back. The second time I was testing him, it didn't work. He told me he didn't want any sweets. I was also quite insistent that he could stay in the car all night and didn't want to go home.

Tonight, I handed my phone over with the child's favourite cartoon playing. This worked. I pointed out that if they didn't let me test them, or weren't listening to me, I would have to put it away again. What a difference. No arguing, no calming up. Just testing quickly and back on the road again. Clearly getting the correct incentive matters. Good to know for the next time you need to torcher test anyone.

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Happy Groundhog Day »


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