Posts – Page 15

I am not a person, I am MANY numbers

About 6 months ago I applied to become a coach with City of Edinburgh Council, then I heard nothing from them till today when I got a Disclosure Scotland form in the post. I must say I am impressed by the speed of the system but I had better not …

When was the Last Time I was Pig Headed?

I am currently trying to 'describe a time when you held a position or course of action despite difficulties or obstacles'. I can't think of anything specific and am tempted to say I prefer to work in a constructive manner and re-access situations as required rather than plough on regardless …

A Day of Cleaning

I now have a tumble dryer. This is nice and means that I can get more than one lot of clothes cleaned in one day and they can be dried and put away in the same day (sounds great in theory doesn't it). Occasionally the motor decides not to work …

Naked at Christmas

This must be the first day in ages where I have gone all day without touching Phone, Keys, Wallet, Maglite, Leatherman (or cheep version there of) or even having any of these in my pockets at any point. I feel very unprepared and almost naked.

Twas the Night Before Christmas

And when my sister ran off to get the book, mum looked the poem up on-line and had it downloaded just as fast as finding the book on the shelf. My sister objected to the modern way so mum had to start again only to get as far as 'not …

Cars and Balls

I think that I have found one reason why not passing your test might be a good idea. In our house we have a weekly planner, as sort of “if it is not on the Board it doesn't happen! kind of board. Today consists of:

  • Dad - Christmas Lunch
  • Mum - Christmas …

A Day of Fixing

Around 9 months ago my parents tumble trier broke down (it is around 16 years old, and has had a hard life) so they went and bought a new one and the old one went into garage. I was told that if I want the old one I could have …


As many people in bedlam have seen I have taken to sliding down the ladder rather than climbing down as one is supposed to. There are a couple of reasons for this; the first being that it is a little faster the second is that it is a lot more …

How to Punch Holes Through 35mm of Paper

So I have two large piles of paper that I want to put into ring binders but currently have no holes in them. I could split the piles into many smaller piles and punch them one at a time but I decided this would take too long so I came …

Black Bitch Explained

This is a followup from the initial post black bitch.

Whilst Googling the term "Black Bitch" may bring up some interesting sites it doesn't really help. Wikipedia does mention briefly it however it is not very useful in the article on Linlithgow – I ought to create its own article

Anyone …

Black Bitch

Ok I have mentioned this to a number of people recently and no luck so far. If you were to call me a bitch (or stage bitch for that matter) I would be mildly offended (if I were the type to get offended by such insults) however if you were …


How come when you are working on a door everyone will decide that they need to walk through it. Yesterday I just about put a painter into the middle of next week as he was painting the bit of wall behind the door in the guys toilets and I needed …

kaylee and EdLUG

Well Kaylee works with Linux fine now except for the fact that it has a 5+mins boot time. I have tried doing silly things like compiling a vanilla kernel but that didn't boot at all (well I gave up after 30 mins). I went to the EdLUG meeting where …

A Cybernetic Organism

Once again when I should be revising my brain is wandering on to other subjects. Today I am caught with the thought about cyborgs. Wikipedia describe cyborgs as: a cybernetic organism, that is an organism which adds to or enhances its abilities by using technology.

Currently I carry my laptop …

Whilst Revising

Ok I am currently revising in Appleton and the girl opposite has just got up, put her jacket on put a few things in her bag and left the building. Not so odd but she has left several textbooks and piles of notes on the table. I presume she will …

Last Imps and Christmas Music

Last nights improverts was wrong in many ways. Very much an anticlimax though I shall not go into details because they will mostly consist of me saying 'in previous years' a lot and so make me feel old. In addition to the fact that in less than three weeks I …

Once Again I am Drunk in Charge of a Keyboard

This is not a good thing. (I have made 6 mistyping errors so far) some how for the second year running I have managed to win the sweepstake at the haire club meal. The £24 that won went strait on booze at Teviot for the club (typical that the one …

That Will Teach Me

Look at watch.

"Oh shoot, its quarter to, I had better get going".*

Pack up bags.
Get bike down stairs.

"Aggh it is ten too - must hurry".

Sprint all the way up to KB, swearing at traffic lights all the way.
Get up hill, park bike.
Leg it to the …

Kaylee's First Day

Whilst I first saw Kaylee in my flat, the first place that I turned her on was Bedlam, then to the pub. I feel this is an entirely appropriate way to introduce a new laptop to its new life. Today Kaylee went to see Kings Buildings and I allowed her …

More Names and Linux

So my new (shiny) laptop has arrived and it is to be called Kaylee or possibly one of Caleigh, Cayleigh, Cayley, Kaelee, Kaeleigh, Kaeley, Kaeli, Kaelie, Kailee, Kaileigh, Kailey, Kaili, Kalee, Kaleigh, Kaley, Kalie, Kaylea, Kayleen, Kaylei, Kayleigh, Kaylene, Kayley, Kayli, Kaylie, Kaylleigh and Kaylley. (NB open office does not …

Laptop Names and Procrastination

Mum is going to bring in my new laptop tomorrow! I need to come up with a new name for it, the current desktop is Podger. My levels of procrastination have extended themselves to new levels today. I have downloaded the Scottish Building Standards Agency's handbooks (both domestic and non-domestic …

Battering Things

Regarding the phrase ‘Batter you into the middle of next week’ I just tripped over a box and was tempted to batter it (because it annoyed me) into the middle of next week. Just as I was about to kick it again I thought “wait- I might actually need it …

After More Debates and Voting

I am in a happy mood this morning, three of the films I wanted to see next semester got through. Now there is a list of just over 20 for George Square Theatre Sunday screenings (of which we can show 9) and the list includes Casino Royal, An Inconvenient Truth …

Unwanted Attention

It is generally not a good idea to ware a kilt in a nightclub particularly when there are two hen nights also in attendance. One at a time I can handle, but when two attack simultaneously I had to resort to tap dancing in steelies (taking no prisoners).

Too Many Questions

  1. How old do you wish you were?

    whilst I enjoyed telling people that I was 17 at uni, I still get the same effect being a teenager in third year yet I can now drink without any problems. (though it wont last much longer)

  2. Where were you when 9/11 …

Further Reading

In the project management lecture I am currently sitting in, the lecturer has just suggested we read up on the subject (contract law) and one of the best places to look is wikipedia! Student engineers are now getting their legal advice from wikipedia. Also we are not to worry about …

Dentist Travels

This was written on Wednesday, this is the first chance I have had to put it up

I have spent £7.75 on train tickets to see the dentist today. How many other people go to a dentist on the opposite side of the country? She is a nice dentist …

I Don't Exist! (Bloody Gas Companies)

NB this is a rant so I have not re-read or formatted in any form

My gas company has phoned me up and told me that they have been billing me when they are were not supposed to be because they don't actually supply the gas for this address so …

War Equation

The Dilbert blog has a wonderful piece today about the economics of war. Basically it ends up wit an equation that indicates whether two countries will end up in a war.

Once you determine the major factors in predicting war, you can weight them appropriately and come up with a …

Minor Irritants

Coming home I remembered that I was out of bread & milk so I went into Tesco to get some. It was rather busy and they had only two loves of thick sliced bread left (I like bread that can support its own weight) After fighting my way in to get …

Cycle and Walking

This was supposed to go up yesterday, don't know why it didn't.

This morning I had to walk to Kings Buildings because I had left my bike there on Tuesday. Whilst this is not normally a problem I did notice a few oddities. First I took the exact same route …

Beyond the point of tiredness

This weekend I found out what happens when every nerve in my body is telling you to go to sleep yet force myself to keep dancing.

When leaving at 6:30 in the morning I should probably have gone to bed early and set my alarm. instead I went to …

Self and Hasty

I am not normally the most health and safety conscious person however I am uncomfortable with the layout of the classroom I am currently in. All the chairs and desks are over to the one side of the room and there is a huge amount of space at the far …

The 'I hate Windows' Itch

Once again I have gotten the 'I hate Windows' itch and considering that I got a package of Kubuntu CDs today and no lectures I spent most of the day installing Linux (as well as clearing the 20-30cm pile of rubbish off my desks). I have tried to do this …

Taking It Easy After Giving Blood

Well this evening was interesting in a mad rushing about kind of way. At 6:30 I was on the phone to my mum who was (among other things) warning me that she was probably going to be visiting the flat in one and a half weeks time with a …

The Vampires at KB

I have just given blood for the 8th time and that was the worst so far. I am tempted to delete this in because it might scare people off but it really was not a welcoming experience. For a start though they are all still wearing three times propose t-shirts …

Computers and Vampires

Damit, for some reason I am wide awake and have no reason to be, in-fact bed would be a good thing right now. I think I have managed to sort out why the laptop wont connect nicely/consistently to the university wi-fi, don’t necessarily understand, but have bashed it …


Woops that wasn’t so good. I kind of overdid it last night (to the stage that typing is a struggle, the dam keys keep jumping out of the way and my usual appalling spelling has gotten a lot worse) and so I think I ought to apologise/ thank those …

My Name is Alistair and...

...I am addicted to this game: (nb don’t mention the word game if you don’t want to lose)

The game is a word association type game, each word is linked to another so you start of with farm, them move onto cow, mad cow …

Names & Drinks

I really need to stop doing this. I have just had a really good night with a harie fresher (though she is actually a final year student). Unfortunately I can not remember her name at all! Even if someone were to tell me it, I wouldn’t be able to …


I am in lots of pain, after Sundays race I have extremely sore calves, if you see me walking alone somewhere dark, this is the best chance you’ve got at mugging me, I cant sprint at all or run for more than 50m!!

Now I have 4 options * watch …

Legs Sore!

Yesterday I managed to get round the Linlithgow 10K 38 seconds faster than John Christy (one of my lecturers) Considering I had done no training for said race this is good however I am now in pain whenever I do anything strenuous (including standing up or walking)

I now have …

Off Days

Was nice today cooking dinner, I made mince stew (or whatever it is mum makes) and it was nice. It has been a while since I got to practice my limited cooking skills. Now all I have to do is find some space in my freezer compartment to store the …


I think today is the first day in a long time I have not been into a pub. This is good as I have just noticed how much I have been spending recently.


When doing a weekly shop, I have to think very carefully before I put anything in my trolley. Not only do I have to ask ‘can I afford this?’ but also ‘can I get this back up the road on my bike?’ and ‘can I fit everything in my fridge …

Pharmaceutical Companies and Fraternities

Just watched The Constant Gardner. It was a little heavier than what I needed to watch at this time of night but then it was my own fault; I knew what type of film it was anyway. The film was about pharmaceutical companies that were testing drugs in Africa (and …

Transforming Back into a Student

Yay finished work. No need to go back to Pollock till well, next week when I hand in my time sheet. I think I might make away with three accommodation services polo shirts, no one has asked for them back anyway. Apart from that the day went rather smoothly and …

Timetable, Orange Juice and Cheese Lovers

Went to see DOS, rather surprised by my timetable, only one 9 o’clock in the week (Wednesday it is a tutorial, the whole of Wednesday is tutorials). All other days are 10 o’clocks and only 2 afternoons (Monday and Friday) apparently no labs to fill the other afternoons …

Punching Moving Heads and Other Non-exiting Stuff

Last night I ended up in why not. I can think of a number of reasons why not to go to why not but I was celebrating a friend’s birthday so I went along with it anyway. There was 5 of us, 3 girls/2 guys. The other guy …

Bugs, Supervisors and Sisters (Same Things I Suppose)

It would appear that whilst I was enjoying the sun yesterday lots of little buggers were having a feast on me! I have dozens of bit marks on my legs and they are VERY itchy. I want to threaten them with being squashed into tiny bits of pulp for what …