Posts – Page 4

Working with a Toddler

I had to stay home and look after my youngest kid who was not able to go to nursery today. I suspected that I would not get much work done, probably just an hour during nap time.

I got much more than that. For some reason, I was left to …

Reading the Manual

I spent a lot of time yesterday trying to fix a graphic. Most of the day felt like a waste as I tried different settings and menus, but I didn't manage to fix the problem. Then, just as I was about to leave, I found a set of pdf manuals …

A Nice Pain

For the last couple of weeks, I have experienced mild pain when walking about as a result of the accident. Today I also experienced mild pain, though it was different.

Yesterday was the first time I made it back to a circuits class in the gym and today's pain was …

Finally Attended the Fireworks

For the last three years, we have attempted to make it along to the local fireworks display in calendar park. For one reason or another, we kept having to cancel. But this year everything worked great. The weather was mild and dry. The kids were excited to watch.

Saving Money

On Friday I sorted my car insurance out for the next year. Rather than pay the renewal, I shopped around and ended up saving about £50.

Tonight my wife filled out the form that would let her become a British citizen. The application fee is over £1200.

It will take …

Alarm Floods

Alarms are the control system's was of shouting at the operator. If saying "STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING AND LOOK AT THIS". The problem is that it takes time for the operator to stop what they were doing, look at the alarm. Then look at what else is going on …

Happy birthday IKEA Edinburgh

I had the day off work and the kids were in nursery, so we took the opportunity to go to Ikea mid-week sans-kids. I was somewhat surprised when I got out of the car:

Sign announcing IKEA Edinburgh’s 20th Birthday
Happy birthday
Sign announcing IKEA Edinburgh’s 20th Birthday
Happy birthday

Apparently the IKEA just outside Edinburgh opened 20 years ago. Of …

Unhelpful Statistics

The headline of a BBC news article I spotted at lunchtime read: Homicide numbers in Scotland show slight rise

The sub heading read:

A total of 61 people were killed across the country last year - up 2% on the previous 12 months.

Why on earth would you bother putting a …

Do Over the Last Week

As we were getting ready to leave for work, Denise commented that it is almost like the authorities have declared "Ok, you lot messed up last time you had to get used to going to work in the dark. Try it again".

I certainly wish we could properly do over …

A Little Less Stupid

In a podcast that I have just listed to, someone said:

Take every opportunity to be a little less stupid.

I love the phrase. It is a brilliant motto. Be mindful each day to find out what you don't know, and do something about it. Keep searching for more things …

Kinds of Alarm

This post explains different types of alarm that can be used on a control system.

Process High or Low

These are the simplest type of alarm. The control system measures something such as pressure, temperature, level or flow, and compares it with the alarm value. If the measured number is …

Rubbish but Active Days

Sometimes you wake up and just feel rubbish. I have wanted nothing more than to curl up and feel sorry for myself.

Luckily I am an adult with adulty things that get in the way of just lying around. Things like looking after the kids and doing household chores. Fulfilling …

Yoga While Recovering

After Tuesday's crash, I was told to keep moving. I attended yoga as normal both on Tuesday and today.

I am not sure if the exercises are helping with my recovery, but they are very good at letting me know what bits of my body hurts.

Forgetting the Simple Solutions

For the last two days I have had an annoying notification stuck on my phone. I expect that it was supposed to self dismiss after a couple of hours, but it didn't and wouldn't let me do it.

I eventually got fed up and did a quick search online. The …

Thoughts After a Crash

I was involved in a crash this morning. As I was cycling to the shops, a slight detour on my way to work, I was turning right at a roundabout. As the person on the roundabout, I am supposed to have right of way. But you only truly have right …

Working While Cycling

I attempted to get on with some deep work today, trying to get my head around some concepts and work out what the best way to approach a certain problem is. I don't manage to get very far. Despite several attempts to focus on the problem, my brain wasn't having …

When You Don't Want to Listen to the Proclaimers

I normally enjoy listening to the Proclaimers, but there was a point when they were played recently and I really wish that they weren't on.

Everyone else was enjoying the song, but I was driving. All I wanted to do was tap my foot to the music, but that would …


Alarms are a common feature of all control systems. They are a way of letting the control system shout "HEY, STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING AND LOOK AT THIS" to the operator.

They are set off when a reading such as s temperature or a level, goes beyond the range …

What is a channel?

Question from the one of the kids:

What is a channel?

We were discussing putting on cbeebies radio.

Mum (to me) Could you line up BBC sounds

Kid But I want to listen to cbeebies radio

Mum it's ok, cbeebies radio is a channel on BBC sounds

Kid what is …

Speed Golf

Some of my colleagues were discussing how to make golf more interesting. After all, as Mark Twain probably didn't say:

Golf is a Good Walk Spoiled

The improvement came in the form of speeding it up. How fast can you get around the course. Hit the ball and chase after …

New Code Project

I have just started a new coding project and I am in one of the worst phases. Before starting, I was full of ideas and enthusiasm. I could envision the finished product. I could imagine all the extra bells and whistles that could get added.

And then I started to …

Time Travel Touring

This evening, I was at a meeting in Edinburgh, around the are I spent a lot of time as a student. As I passed a shop, I instantly remembered walking to it the night after I moved into my flat in second year. I remembered the heavy rain that didn't …

Running With The Kenyans

I have just finished reading Running With The Kenyans by Adharanand Finn. The book is an account of an amateur runner's experience of spending six months living in Kenya in the town that many world class endurance runners live and train. The book examines what factors contribute to the Kenyan's …

Override Control

I do not think that we covered override control loops while at university, the first time I came across them was in the sugar factory. Yet they are used a lot and are incredibly useful. I don't understand why they aren't covered in introductory control classes.

Override control can come …

October's Disastrous Dinner

The next Disastrous Dinner will be held in Glasgow in two weeks time! It is a bit last minute this month, but signups are available on the IChemE website

The topic will be the Bakkan fields oil disaster 2008, by Christopher Laughlan. The talk will focus on the actions of …

Library Audiobooks

I have been listening to audiobooks from the library using an app on my phone. It is great. There are lots of books available for free. Unlike reading a book (either ebook or paper), I don’t get tired and need a rest.

The downside is that I can find …

Background Noise

The job I spent most of today required a fair amount of focus. It wasn't a particularly difficult task, but took quite a while and was pretty repetitive.

I had lots of errors on lots of files, and I just had to work my way through each one fixing them …

Happy with my Position

Last night I attended a "networking mixer" by the Edinburgh University ChemEng Society. A selection of alumni were invited along to give some short talks about the companies they work for, what their career has been like and advise for those that are looking to get a placement or graduate …

Is it Worth the Time

There is a great XKCD comic, is it worth the time, that displays the maximum amount of time you can spend on a project before the payback is more than 5 years, depending on how often you do it, and how much time you save each time you do it …

All I Want for Christmas

We have now been asked by two seperate people what our youngest son wants for his birthday (later this month) and more widely, what everyone in the family wants for Christmas. In previous years, I have always had a fairly extensive ‘I want’ list. A list of things that I …

The Cascade Loop

Most control loops try to keep whatever is measured at a value set by the operator (SetPoint, SP). Sometimes the operator lets something else decide the setpoint. This is called cascade.

In most cases this means two control loops work together. The output of the first decides the setpoint of …

Getting Drunk in Reverse

I am currently reading Running With The Kenyans by Adharanand Finn. I won't say much just now, I intend to write a longer writeup once I have finished. But for now I want to capture a quote from the book that I think is brilliantly accurate:

Running is like getting …

What is a Mermaid?

One of our bedtime stories involves a mermaid. This prompted the question "what is a mermaid?"

We thought that the answer is easy: half person, half fish. But then our son told us that he thought that we were wrong. He thought that they were half person and half whale …

Alfa Laval Talk

Today I hosted a presentation by Alfa Laval at Grangemouth covering a couple of their compact heat exchangers. What follows are my rough notes from the talk.

I went into the presentation with a little bit of experience of alfa laval exchangers, several were used in the sugar factories that …

TV Tokens

Kids love watching TV. My eldest son could quite happily watch TV all day everyday. And he is not happy with us when we turn it off.

We know that too much screen time is bad for them and we have tried to minimise the amount of time that the …

Mornings Like This

It is on mornings like this that I appreciate getting to cycle and enjoy the view.

View over the forth valley at sunrise
Good Morning
View over the forth valley at sunrise
Good Morning

One Way to Get Off Facebook

My wife's phone has been on its last legs for a while now. When the fairphone 3 was announced, we decided to purchase one. It still hasn't arrived and yet the old phone has completely died now, the screen has completely shattered. It will be a particularly frustrating wait until …

The PID Loop

In last week's edition of Simple Saturdays, I talked about control loops. This week I will talk about the PID loop. Unlike many explanations of the PID loop, I will keep it simple. I will avoid showing the equation that a controller uses. The truth is that as a control …

Which Plug?

I had my laptop plugged into a bank of 4 sockets in a meeting room. But which socket was I plugged into? I don't want to unplug the projector by accident. Following the cables is harder because they were threaded down the back of the desks, keeping things nice and …

Hazops Are Not a Panacea

Last night's disastrous dinner involved a plant that had been operating only a short while before the disaster struck. The process involved fermentation and so the equipment had to get steamed out to sterilise the process. After the sterilisation step of the broth receiver was completed, the broth from the …

Phone to Check

Tonight's disastrous dinner nearly was a disaster in its own right. I phoned up the venue at lunchtime to confirm the final numbers. There was a bit of confusion when I talked about the event. They kept referring to "the show" while I was talking about "the talk".

It eventually …

Lights On

This morning I was cycling about an hour earlier than normal because I was attending a gym class. This was the first journey this winter that required my bike lights.

When I first looked out I was disheartened. I didn't want to go out in the dark. I didn't want …

Faster by Foot

The distance between the kids nursery and our house is 5 km. This is the same distance as a parkrun.

Tonight, I realized that the time it takes me to cycle home was almost exactly 50% longer than when I ran the same distance at the weekend.

Admittedly I am …

Review: One Hour Investor

This post is a review of One Hour Investor by Vishal Reddy and published by TCK Publishing.

Disclosure: I was sent an electronic review copy of the book.

I was initially put off by the way the book was being markted. "Become an investment genius in just one hour!" - I …

What is a Control Loop?

The way we manage to get our factories to make the things we want them to is by getting liquids to flow various pipes at the right speeds, by making sure they are at the correct temperature. We need to ensure tanks don’t overflow and the pressure inside is …

Wanted: Venue in Glasgow

I need a new venue to host a Disastrous Dinner in Glasgow.

We held a talk last March in the Griffin, but we must have gotten lucky last time. The room is used for pre-theater dining so we can’t get the venue till after 8pm (at which time the …

5 Year Steps

10 years ago I joined the workforce as the world was still processing the financial crisis. There were many predictions back then about how much things were going to change. But in truth, it had been virtually business as usual.

5 years ago Scotland voted to remain part of the …

Initially Useful

My parents have been away on holiday and while they were out, a parcel was delivered for my dad. I had been warned that this might happen and was asked to collect it from the delivery office. I agreed, that would be no problem. Until I had the delivery note …

Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells

Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells

Both boys seem to enjoy singing Jingle bells just now, despite the time of year...

Jingle all the way

They were singing it constantly while they sat in the bike trailer as I cycled home this evening...

Oh what fun it is to ride on a …

33 Seconds Can Make a Big Difference

I completed my second parkrun yesterday and it felt like a completely different event.

The first time, I felt like I was always beside others. Either I was on someone's shoulder or someone else was right behind me. The furthest we spread out was no more than 5 meters. Yesterday …