Posts tagged 'Personal' – Page 4

Dyslexia and Me - Today

These posts cover how dyslexia has, and continues to, influence my life.


My performance at school started to improve once I started getting the targeted support. It also helped that in secondary school, classes were more interested in my knowledge …

Dyslexia and Me - Cycling Metaphor

These posts cover how dyslexia has, and continues to, influence my life.


My previous post finished with the conundrum my primary school teacher had: They knew that I knew the answers but was not completing the school work on time. Most of my primary school …

Dyslexia and Me - Past

These posts cover how dyslexia has, and continues to, influence my life.

I have been meaning to write these for some time but never quite managed to get the ideas out of my head and onto the screen before.

I am dyslexic and I really struggled at primary school. I …

Life as a Workplace Nomad

For the last week, I have been a workplace nomad.

We were kicked out of our office. All of our stuff had been placed into storage boxes and I have had to live out of one laptop bag.

Initially I wasn't too bothered by the lack of proper desk. I …

Why am I doing this

If you are following using an RSS feed or look back at the dates published articles, you will notice that historically I have managed short bursts of relativity frequent blog posts, followed by long periods of silence.

Recently I have started trying to post something, anything, daily.

The main reason …

Tourist in My Home Town

My brother-in-law and his wife were visiting this weekend, mostly to see their nephews but they also wanted to see some of the local tourist attractions in the area which they hadn't yet visited.

It was an opportunity for us to spend time as a family and also go to …

Afraid of a Few Drops of Rain

Once an engine attached to a train
Was afraid of a few drops of rain
It went into a tunnel
And squeaked through its funnel
And wouldn't come out again

The sad story of Henry, Rev. W. Awdry

The route I use to cycle to work goes under the motorway …

We Have (More) Grass!

The stones a0t the bottom of our garden have now been replaced by grass.

A freshly laid lawn
New Grass
A freshly laid lawn
New Grass

So now we have more room for the kids to play on. And of course more to cut.

Two Parties, Similar Outcome

Last weekend we hosted a BBQ picnic and had lots of friends over. It was a great day but I felt like I spent the whole time rushing about checking on folk and checking on the kids. I never really felt like I had a proper catch up with folk …

Out of context

I have just had the uncomfortable experience of running into someone who I didn't recognize out of context. They clearly knew who I was (greeted me by name) but my brain just completely failed to make the connection.

I am used to not remembering people's names and having to work …

Waistcoats are Cool

I have had a few more comments made in the last few weeks about my waistcoat than usual. I believe it is because of someone has been wearing one in Russia. Perhaps it will reduce again now that England are out of the world cup.

I thought I would take …

BBQs and Cycling

This weekend has been pretty busy in our house. We had our 4th of July picnic (on the 7th) where we invite lots of friends over.

Normally we invite far more people than actually attend. This year we ended up with a record turnout and brilliant weather.

It was a …

What Happens when you Kick a Radiator Pipe

It Hurts!

Foot where the middle toe is purple
Foot in Pain
Foot where the middle toe is purple
Foot in Pain

I would advise everyone avoid doing this.

Thoughts on Today's Fire

I decided not to post this on the day of the incident but wait till more was known. There have been too many occasions where comments made in the immediate aftermath of an incident are ultimately unhelpful. A week has passed now and I feel that my comments are still …

Dictionary Fail

Today when reading an ebook, I came across a word I was not sure about, expostulating. One of the nice features of reading on an ebook reader, is that you can easily select the word and look it up. In this case however it was not that useful:

Eilidh Doyle Talk

Today I attended a reliability away day organised by work. Part of the day's events included a talk by 400m Hurdles athlete Eilidh Doyle. The talk was a relaxed sit down conversation between Eilidh and Niall Browne, the refinery HR manager.

This post includes some of the main things I …

My Day* in Court

* Well just over one hour.

Earlier this week, I attended Falkirk Sheriff Court after receiving a Jury Citation letter a couple of months ago. I thought I would write a quick note about my experience here.

This is the first time I have received a Jury Citation. I have previously …

Sweaty on a Train

Once again I am sweaty on the train having sprinted for it.

I am headed into Edinburgh for an Inaugural Lecture on Energy, Exergy and How We Can Achieve a Low Carbon Economy.

Unfortunately until this morning, after I was already at work, I had forgotten about it (must review …

The problem with the EMF Camp Schedule

This time next week, me and by family will be at EMF Camp in Guildford.

I have been having a quick look ahead at schedule. There are lots of interesting talks and workshops that I want to see and I am really looking forward to the event.

My only problem …

Trapped and Trailers

I am currently trapped. Someone is asleep on my lap and I want to let them get as much as possible so I dare not move.

Unfortunately all the jobs and things I want to do require something about 3 to 5m out of my arm's reach.

It is rather …

Yes Because

Apologies, I have been thinking about these all day:

“In politics, nothing is ever as good as you hope it’s going to be, but at the same time nothing’s ever as bad as you fear it’s going to be”.

  • I am #yesbecause I am not happy with …

Waiting in for a Parcel (Again)

If you ever want to get a parcel to its destination, don't use amtrak!

On Monday I waited in all day only to find out that a closed door confused the delivery man. OK the buzzer on the stairwell doesn't work and I didn't put a sticker on the door …

Me vs Car

So cycling home up Clarke street and car decides to turn left (with no indicators cos as we all know indicators don't work in the rain). In turning left the car proceeded to take me out and I don't mean for a drink. Whilst I can admit it wasn't the …